Air conditioning is so welcome in our hot and humid Wisconsin summers. In order to keep your AC system working efficiently and at its peak, there are some simple maintenance tasks you can perform. Proper maintenance will lower your electricity bills and keep you and...
Heating & Cooling Tips
Finding the Right Furnace
The heating and cooling system in your home is one of the most important long-term choices you will make. The old oil furnaces that last 40 to 50 years (and have no energy efficiency) may no longer exist, but your heating and cooling system should last around 15 to 20...
Time For Furnace Preperation
You may have been fooled with the unusually warm October that Milwaukee has been experiencing, but fall is really here. Temperatures are starting to fall below freezing at night, and it looks like November will bring back our typical weather. That means that it’s time...
How Often Should I Service My AC?
In our hot Wisconsin summers, AC is a necessity. If your AC suddenly stops working, or begins working improperly, it can be more than a nuisance. Regular servicing keeps your AC running well all season long. So just what does regular servicing mean? Generally, you...
Tips For End Of Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance
Here in the Midwest we had a pretty warm late summer/early fall, but it’s time to start thinking about putting your AC to bed for the cold months, so that it’s ready to perform at peak when it’s needed next year. And for that matter, it’s not a bad idea to get it done...
Getting Your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer
We’ve already had a couple of hot spells here in Wisconsin, and it’s just the beginning of the summer. You’re going to need your air conditioner at peak performance, and in order for that to happen, you should be proactive and get your air conditioner ready for the...
Repair or Replace My AC?
We’ve already had some stretches of hot weather this year, and the summer has not even begun. If your air conditioner isn’t working, you’ve probably already discovered that the hard way. Maybe you’ve noticed that it isn’t cooling as efficiently as it has in the past,...
Thermostat & Heat Repair Wauwatosa, WI
Quality Heating & Sheet Metal Heat Repair in Wauwatosa, WI As a flat rate company, Quality Heating & Sheet Metal Heating bills by the repair and not by the hour. We believe we are among the most skilled in the heating and sheet metal repair industry when it...
Glass Half Empty or Glass Half Full
With everything going on in our present state, it is hard not to get discouraged and stressed out. I have watched and heard some harsh facts on television and on the radio that really have gotten me to think about my game plan. I am sure it has done the same for...
After Every Storm Comes A Rainbow
Throughout these days of uncertainty, we all have had many different decisions to make. Our lives have forever been changed by this pandemic that surrounds us. My question to everyone is this: through all this chaos, has your attitude been “sink or swim” or “rise to...
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2840 North Brookfield Rd
Brookfield, WI
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Anthony Zenefski