Preparing Your HVAC System For Spring

by | Apr 1, 2022 | All, Articles, HVAC Installation, HVAC Repair, Maintenance

The HVAC system in your house is responsible for keeping you and your family warm in the winter and cool in the summer. And comfort is only part of its importance. The system is also designed to filter out contaminants in the air, both actual dirt particles, and biological ones. So your family’s health is also in play. Finally, your HVAC system uses a lot of energy, and you want to make sure that it’s working at peak efficiency so that you spend only as much as you need to. All of that makes maintaining your HVAC system really important, and the best way to do that is to have it professionally serviced twice a year. For best results, you should have it done in the spring and the fall.

Importance of Regular Servicing

The heating and cooling system in your house accounts for as much as half of the energy used in your home. So maintenance of that system is one of the most important money saving practices you can do. Newer heating and cooling systems can be very energy efficient, but can’t perform at their best without continued maintenance. Service calls can identify issues when they are minor, and avoid breakdowns that always happen at the most inconvenient times. Manufacturer warranties usually require regular maintenance in order to be valid; you’d hate to discover that your warranty won’t be honored because you neglected your regular service. And the longevity of your system as a whole can be increased by semiannual servicing.

What Regular Servicing Means

At Quality Heating, we perform thorough maintenance services. We do a visual inspection of the system, test all components, measure air flow and temperatures. We find any leaks in the system and deal with them. We monitor flue draft and refrigerant pressure, as well as calibrate the thermostat. We clean all the parts that require it; we lubricate all those that move. The US Department of Energy agrees that for “all heating and cooling systems, proper maintenance is key to efficient operation. The difference between the energy consumption of a well-maintained heat pump and a severely neglected one ranges from 10% to 25%.” If there is any minor damage or repairs necessary, we do that too.

Spring and Fall Is Best

In the winter and summer, your HVAC system must be ready and working at its best, so spring and fall are the times for regular servicing to be most effective. At Quality Heating, we’re happy to come and do maintenance on your system when you ask us to, but you should consider a maintenance agreement. In your busy life, remembering to make an appointment twice a year for your heating and cooling system service could easily fall through the cracks. It only takes one neglected regular maintenance to invalidate your equipment warranty. Once you have a maintenance agreement with us, we’ll remember so you don’t have to. Every fall and every spring, we will make sure that your heating system is working its best.


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